Monday, March 17, 2014

Less is more

De cluttering can seem overwhelming. A few questions that immediately gave me pause when I started simplifying were: what defines clutter? What if it was a gift? What if I need it again? What if it holds sentimental value? What now?

Well, I have discovered that each one of those questions is (fairly) easily answered.

1. What is clutter? Anything that gets in the way of completing a specific task is clutter, and anything you don't use or (really) love is clutter. (e.g. a centerpiece that has to be moved every time you sit down to dinner).

2. What if it was a gift? So what. Rest assured, the gift giver did not intend to give you something that would collect dust or that you would keep FOREVER. See answer to question 1.

3. What if I need it again? You likely won't, but if you are worried put it in a box and let some time pass before getting rid of it. Also, really think about the word "need" as it is often confused with the word "want."

4. What if it holds sentimental value? Objects don't hold memories. You do.

5. What now? Donate it to benefit someone else or sell it to pay down debt.

When you are done, you won't just have less stuff. You will have more time, more money, and more energy to focus on what really matters to you. Less is more.

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