Sunday, February 23, 2014


Confession: I have a "stuff" problem. So much so that I am CONSTANTLY buying baskets to put my "stuff" in. I've come to the realization that I place waaaaay too much importance on material possessions, but they aren't really "important" to me. You read me?

I want to live simply…live with less, and do MORE of what I love. Enter my new goal: SIMPLIFY.

I don't really know where to start, but I do know that I want this to be long term. So, I am going to start slow. If I purge too fast, I know myself well enough to know that I run the risk of going on a spending spree to replace what I purged. Classic Sarah.

My plan is simple. I am either going to donate or sell our "excess."

I am slowly going through our home (systematically), examining its contents, and asking myself these questions:

1. Do I use/need it?

2. Does it add value (not monetary) or meaning to our life?

If the answer to either question is yes, then it stays. If the answer is no, then I ask myself another question…

3. Is someone likely to buy it? (Yes items are noted for garage sale)

If the answer is no, I ask myself one more question…

4. Could someone else need/benefit from this?

No? Trash. Yes? Into a box for donations it goes.

I am hoping this is just the beginning of something great for our family… time will tell. If you are on a similar journey or already living a "less is more" lifestyle, all tips, suggestions and words of wisdom are much appreciated. :)

This is definitely different than any kind of purge I've done before so, like I said before, I'm taking it slow. Radical change doesn't happen over night :)…though my husband might say his Type A wife sometimes attempts just that…

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